Character Summary
In a time without indoor plumbing and television, life can be a tad dull. That's why Th'resh is an adrenaline junkie: a personality trait often mistaken for bloodthirst. Although blood does make a stout base for several prominent horde dishes. Locked in battle, where the tiniest slip means death, is the only place he feels truly feel alive. Th'resh claims to have been ejected from his battleswarm in the Eastern Horde for "excessively violent tendencies". Thrill-seeking behavior has certainly been his modus operandi; he often claims gilded motivations but, ha, more like THRILLded. No seriously, he would do violence for free any day or night; money is merely a convenient ethical stand-in and/or easily believed excuse.
While he mostly keeps quiet about it, Th'resh is also something of a military history buff. Large battles raise the stakes and are more exciting. Beating the odds against and amidst massive slaughter is something worth doing so he's made a study of it. Unfortunately he doesn't have the mind for applying tactics based on this hobby, merely a better than average idea of the scope of possibility.