Art Denson
Character Summary
Art is a man out of time. He'd probably be more comfortable in some small, cloistered private college out in rural New England. Quietly studying art history, writing books eight people read, making snarky comments about deluded religionists that believe something different than him, and wrapped in a social bubble with few dissenting opinions and a uniform sense of smugness about those poor, deluded souls outside of the bubble. Instead, he's stuck in this dark-ages analog of a game, where people are totally different.
The deluded religinists are more likely to chain you to a granite slab and open your belly. Which is both offensive to civilized morals and really hurts.
So Art gets by the best he can. He spends his time cloistered in old ruins, documenting old art, collecting old art, selling anything that isn't nailed down, prying nails out of things. It's nice to turn a profit, but profit is just there to keep him in life's essentials while he hunts down the next old, abandoned ruin.
* Something about shadow elemental origin * something about getting kidnapped for trucking magic itmes
Unknown/To be discovered
* Something about his lineage. Kind of interesting that he's got innate magic powers, and is so good at making new magic items.
Art Denson's in .xls on Google Drive
The Dancing Bear
The Dancing Bear is a thinly veiled cover for unsavory types to get together and transact some non-violent, consensual, cash-based business. Or maybe it was a den of inequity first and everyone realized that business is hungry work. Who knows?